About Jed Riffe
Independent Filmmaker (producer, director)
Over the last 30 plus years Jed Riffe produced and directed five award-winning internationally broadcast documentary films including the national Emmy nominated documentary Ishi, the Last Yahi, and produced 20 broadcast documentaries in collaboration with other highly regarded filmmakers. Jed conceived and served as one of three series producers for the California and the American Dream, an independently produced four-hour, nationally broadcast PBS series. He is honored to be a member of FWD-Doc, a Sundance Documentary Film Program Fellow/Alumni and a Gerbode Fellow for Excellence in Non-Profit Management.
Archival Producer
Jed Riffe has supervised and conducted archival research for Peralta Community College District-Africana (Interactive) Community Studies Center; Protesta Productions-The 9 Lives of Barbara Dane; Frances Causey Films-The Long Shadow; Paragon Media and The California and the American Dream PBS Series and other companies producing national and internationally broadcast documentaries and interactive media. Jed Riffe maintains and continually adds to his archival databases which feature a significant collection of footage, still photos and archival images on slavery, Jim Crow, American Indian tribal communities, American Indian-white history and relations; Eugenics as well as many other subjects. Many of these images are rare and hard to find. Riffe has created and maintains databases with thousands of images. He has worked with intellectual property attorneys Michael Donaldson, Alan Korn and others.
Jed Riffe Films is accepting applications from college students and graduates for his documentary films and interactive media internship program. Interns work on a part-time, minimum 2-4 days/week basis and receive a small daily stipend. Interns will gain practical experience in research, production, editing, distribution and the daily activities of a small independent documentary film and interactive media company. Each intern is encouraged to send a message through our Contact page explaining what their long and short term goals are, and what they hope to get out of the internship.
Film Festival Awards
Production Grants
Transmedia Storyteller-Interactive Producer
Jed Riffe has over 30 years experience and expertise in producing media and designing interactive installations for museums, educational institutions and public spaces on multiple platforms. You can check some of our projects by visiting our interactive media links here.
Jed Riffe produced:
AFRICANA, an Interactive Afro centered history of the world featuring 170 pages of interactive content 107 topic driven videos, interactive maps and more designed for specially built environments in colleges and high schools.
PUBLIC BROADCASTING IN PUBLIC PLACES featuring four specially-designed interactive kiosks (Public Broadcasting in Public Places) for the California and the American Dream series, funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Jed Riffe and The Autry Museum of American History collaborated in designing four interactive exhibits funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
TV OF TOMORROW, a prototype for The Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s TV of Tomorrow Digital Initiative in 2000.
CALIFORNIA, A PLACE, A HISTORY AND A DREAM, 86 minutes of specially edited video clips for the interactive touch screen kiosks featured in the Oakland Museum of California’s History exhibit.
About Maureen Gosling
A filmmaker for over fifty years, Gosling has worked variously as a director, producer, editor, sound recordist, and distributor. Gosling was producer/director and editor with Chris Simon on the feature doc, THIS AIN’T NO MOUSE MUSIC! (SXSW), on the life and legacy of American roots music record producer, Chris Strachwitz. The feature length film premiered at SXSW and won Top Audience Awards at Hot Docs and the Mill Valley Film Festival. Gosling directed, produced and edited BLOSSOMS OF FIRE 2000 for HBO Latino. Gosling is best known for her 20-year collaboration with the late San Francisco Bay Area director, Les Blank, on more than two-dozen documentaries, as co-filmmaker, editor and/or sound recordist. Their best-known film is the classic “making of”, BURDEN OF DREAMS (British Academy Award for Best Documentary 1982). She co-wrote and edited Riffe’s CALIFORNIA’S “LOST” TRIBES, part 1 of the four-hour PBS series, CALIFORNIA AND THE AMERICAN DREAM. She also edited Riffe’s WAITING TO INHALE: MARIJUANA, MEDICINE AND THE LAW, and five nationally and internationally broadcast docs that Riffe produced. Riffe and Gosling are currently producing THE NINE LIVES OF BARBARA DANE.